Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Living on Bread

Howdy from the windy city of Kijabe. I have officially survived my night on call! It was so awful though – I don’t know ANYTHING! We had a 14 year old road traffic accident (they call them RTAs here) bleeding from the ears, asymmetric pupils, brain damage? probably but we don’t have a CT scanner so she had to wait until today to be sent to Nairobi for a CT. Two <1yr olds seizing, a 9 month old with a HUMONGOUS head and a hemoglobin of 7. A 24 year old also in an RTA with a right intertrochanteric fracture, right mid femur fracture, fractures of both tibias and fibulas AND a left ankle fracture – he also had asymmetric pupils. Guy with a super enlarged prostate with extreme spine tenderness and a huge abdominal mass which ended up being his bladder full of urine although he had a history of urinary incontinence. 14 year old boy who fell from a tree and had a crazy displaced femur fracture. 80 yr old with obstructive jaundice and a BP of 80/40. Oh, that’s to name a few.
So I’m still alive, that’s good.

Today I got to do a spinal nerve block for a c-section and watched a hydrocele burst into my surgeons face! SO GROSS. There is an anesthesiologist from UT Houston who wants to teach me so hopefully I’ll get to intubate someone next week before I leave! Tomorrow I’m headed out to a little remote clinic with one of the doctors.

The Fishers invited me over for dinner Monday night which was DELICIOUS tacos and ICE CREAM with strawberries and chocolate syrup! So delicious. Tonight was tacos with one of the new pedi resident missionaries from OU (ugh….Texas Fight!) and a visiting OT and PT from Virginia.

I decided to move out of my apartment down into a house with Letizia because they moved in some guys to my other place, and I was sharing a bathroom with a boy who I didn’t know who left the toilet seat up and…it was just real bad. It is way conservative over here too so I’m not sure why they allowed that to happen. BUT, the view from my new place is AMAZING. Tonight we are watching this awful super hero movie called Zoom. It is ridiculous – you should check it out.
Chapel today was 1 Cor 12:12 - The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. The message was about everyone’s important role at Kijabe Hospital and how we cannot function without all the parts just as the body of Christ needs each person and their specific gifts. It has been hard to continue to trust that I am in this place and in medicine for a reason, but God continues to take away my control forcing me to surrender to his perfect plan and timing.

miss my family and all my friends back in Galvy! I’m kind of looking forward to coming back although this place has been great, and I’ll probably return! Less than 1 week left in Africa!

Outpatient waiting room
Outpatient clinic

Treatment room


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely nothing in this post had to do with bread...
